2011 150 Years of Masonry M. W. Grand Lodge Colorado Proof Silver NGC PF69 UC

2011 150 Years of Masonry M. W. Grand Lodge Colorado Proof Silver NGC PF69 UC
2011 150 Years of Masonry M. W. Grand Lodge Colorado Proof Silver NGC PF69 UC

2011 150 Years of Masonry M. W. Grand Lodge Colorado Proof Silver NGC PF69 UC

2011 150 Years of Masonry M. Grand Lodge Colorado Proof Silver 39mm. An absolutely gorgeous example of this stunning issue. The lighting truly shows the detail of the devices, as well as the near perfect fields. Frosty, brilliant blast white gem with fully mirrored surfaces.

A truly fascinating design with multiple Masonic historical references. This piece in particular recognizes the 150th anniversary of the M. Grand Lodge which is both A. M means "Ancient Free" and Accepted Masons. Both trace their allegorical history back to the building of Solomon's temple in the Holy Scriptures.

Freemasonry was exported to the British Colonies in North America in the 1730s. After the American Revolution, independent U. Grand Lodges formed within each state. Credited Source: Masonic Lodge of Education. A Masonic lodge, often termed a private lodge or constituent lodge, is the basic organisational unit of Freemasonry.

It is also commonly used as a term for a building in which such a unit meets. 999 Fine Silver, 39mm, Round, Plain Edge. OBVERSE: 150 Years or Masonry / (Manson in between 2 Rocks) / 1861 Colorado 2011. Grand Lodge of Colorado / 1861 2011 / (Masonic Compass) / A.
2011 150 Years of Masonry M. W. Grand Lodge Colorado Proof Silver NGC PF69 UC

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